Thursday, November 29, 2018


This year has seriously flown by and I'm so happy I accomplished some goals. Mainly financial goals like becoming debtfree, funding my opportunity fund, and investing! My goal this year was to focus on myself and become selfish. And that is exactly what I did too. I don't regret my selfishness at all this year. It helped me to discover myself. It encouraged me to take a solo trip to Cincinnati. It made me prioritize my selfcare needs too. Like getting massages, doing facials at home every week, doing my own manicure/pedicure, answering my phone when or if I felt like it. I totally put myself and my well-beings up first . I didn't even post much on social media. I kind of was a recluse too. I didn't go to a lot of functions or get togethers. I hung out with my mom more than ever. I became my own bestie. I went to see Shanel Cooper Sykes in Chicago for her conference.  I went to homecoming and Boogie my tail at the tailgating. It was great to celebrate 10 years of graduating. I just freaking enjoyed myself seriously! 

I did have a love one pass away. One of my aunt's on my dad's side. She was a natural beauty and too young to pass away. It was unfortunately and one of the lower point's of my year. I'm also dealing with light sensitivity with my vision. And aside from all of that I am still striving and working like crazy. This job has been so draining to me. I have so many other things I want to do in life. And my focus in 2019 is going to be more on that. Working on being a better me! I want to write my first book. I want to focus on building a new life and career. I have the key to my destiny. I can do anything I put my mind to. Let me finished out this year with a bang💥.

Until next time take care my sweet candy canes.

(I took this picture on Thanksgiving Day 2018) 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

*6 Months of Living Expenses Saved*

I'm so excited my savings goals has been completed. Staying focused this year has changed a lot for me. I'm finally in a place were I can kind of relax. Yes, I have other financial goals but they're more long term. I have other things that I want to get into too. I want to put my health first and work on building long lasting relationships with others. I want to focus on being more feminine and looking for an amazing man.  And of course I want to start my own business, write my book, and move out of town and quit my job. All of these goals are important to me and will take time and effort to get to. I'm just happy, I have turned a new leaf and will keep moving forward with my goals.

Friday, November 9, 2018

*Weekend in Chicago*

I'm still reminiscing over my Chicago trip two weeks ago. I had an amazing time at costume parties, a conference, delicious food, and sight seeing. I got to enjoy the city this time around. I really want to go back soon!