Wednesday, June 1, 2022

I’m sick of the Rat Race

I’m so sick of the rate race, Corporate America, 9-5 you name it. It’s a game that not fun at all. It will run you dry and can potentially cause health problem and anxiety. I remember when my last supervisor left my team. I remember asking her why she was leaving because she was so sweet and smart. And she told me “I’m moving on to better things.” I think that is how we should all view this life. Move on to bigger things to get away from the rat race. It’s honestly not worth it until you really love your job and they are treating you right. Our whole life we have been indoctrinated with: go to school, get good grades, graduate and go to college, get in debt, and work to pay it off and retire at age 65+. I’m not here for that dream…I actually want my own dream. My dream doesn’t require me working a 9-5, it more like traveling and exploring the world. Meeting new people and working my own business as an entrepreneur. It’s more about me being my authentic self and exploring luxuries and trying new restaurants. These weekends are not enough, these vacations are not enough, and these sick days/holidays are not enough. 

Time is the most valuable thing I believe we have in life. The material things we can’t take with us. The time we spend with loved ones and friends are important to me. This is the reason why budgeting is good to me so I can assure I have enough funds to quit one day. I’m already debt free which is another plus…they don’t expect you to value yourself enough to get to this point. I always dream of quit I feel the day is gonna come soon. I will update will that beautiful day happens….so much stress from work today made me write this post. Hopefully, it resonated with someone because I really felt this in my spirit. ❤️