Tuesday, March 31, 2020

*Quarantine Birthday*

This year was a once in a lifetime birthday party. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have a quarantine birthday. However, now that I reflex on it I am truly blessed. Not only to see another year but to have this rare memory. Trust me this era will be written about in history books. And if I ever have kids I will have some stories for days to tell them. Welp, I plan to enjoy this last year of my early 30s. Cheers to life and my beautiful unique self! I ordered tacos from a local Mexican restaurant paired with chips and dip. My drink of choice was margaritas. I love my gifts...I even got some toilet tissue🤣. Times are hard out here with this quarantine. My mom got me a strawberry crunch cake! It was so yummy. I wouldn’t trade this celebration for the world.