Friday, December 14, 2018

*This is Temporary*

I always think to myself when I go to work, this is only temporary. Which simply translates to I got bigger and better plans for my life. One day I will be able to move on with my dreams, goals, and aspirations. 

For a very long time I told myself I want to uplift and inspire people. It has always been a passion of mine. And one of the reasons I started this blog many years ago. I still feel the same way in my 30s as I did in my 20s. The world needs more people like me too. I have traveled to speaking seminars, conferences, and even taken online workshops. And even though I feel it in my heart. I always second guess myself with doubt and fear. However, I won't let fear get in my way. Next year I plan on speaking somewhere! At least to get the gears rolling. 

I have learned so much this year alone, I want to share my knowledge with people. I will forever be evolving and growing inside and out. I'm getting my love for reading back on track. I plan to start a platform to inspire and uplift woman. One of my favorite jobs I ever had was working in a group home with teenagers. It was challenging with very low wages but worth it. I want to be that beacon of light to someone one day. If I could just help one person, I know my time wasn't wasted on this earth. My mom keeps telling me to speak too. She said do something you love. I'm going to spend a great part of the end of this year doing that. Planning and prepping for the goodness in 2019. I know the road will not be easy but it's what I was made for! 

I really want to quit my job next year. I'm not quite sure of the exact date but next year is my target year. I can keep on doing the same thing expecting different results. That's why this year financial stability was important to me. Those little steps helped me along my journey. I'm nervous and a bit scared to come up out of my comfort zone but hey remember this is only temporary. I was not meant to work a 9-5 for 40 years. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Until next time stay sweet my candy canes😘

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