Monday, April 29, 2019

*Taking My Power Back*

 I always hear my mom saying "I'm taking my power back." Lately, I have been able to relate to this so much. After my birthday last month it kind of made me notice the people who are there for me. I have always been the "strong" friend but now I'm all about focusing on me. I response to people when I feel like it. Or I don't response at all if I don't feel like it. 

A lot for me has changed and I am proud of these changes. I am no longer the brush stuff under the rug type of girl. I don't let things roll off of my shoulder. Now, I confront things head on and deal with them. If that means I have to find a new circle so be it. I will not allow anyone to come in my life with B.S. period. If someone one is fake they're better off moving around me. No more sqaures in my circles!

I am taking my power back by focusing on me. This year has already been challenging dealing with my light sensitivity in my eyes. It makes me anxious and depressed but I am coping with it daily. The changes your body goes through as you age makes you miss your 20s. I do love being older in my 30s though.   

I just know life for me is changing and some people call it growing pain. I call it REAL life because you know it is so real. I'm thinking about so much that I want to do with my life. Like one day I want to be a mother, own a nice home, possible get married, start a business, and travel more. I think about these things all the time. Most of these things are on my vision board. I understand nothing will happen over night. So for now I'm just going to be taking it day by day. Staying focused on the things that matter to me the most. And working towards my goals and that is were my power lies. I control my life and I want to leave this world with a purpose. My main purpose is changing lives. That is one of the reasons I started this blog years ago. It not only helps others but it helps me as well. Each and everyday I am growing and staying on my path. 

Just as long as I keep faith in God everything else will fall into place. 

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