Thursday, January 1, 2015

~Happy New Year 2015~

I know I have been away from my blog for a very long time. I made a strong effort to return today to say that I am alive. It's really hard taking a break from the things you love. I would always felt like writing and posting on my blog. However, I took 2014 out to find out more about myself. Like who am I really....I became very introverted and stayed to myself. It was a very interesting time for me to find out more about myself. My likes and dislikes, what I wanted more from life itself. Am I were I want to be right now? Most currently not...I have to keep discovering more about myself on a day to day basis. Like a natural habit, so it's just as common to me as brushing my teeth. So what is my New Year Resolution?? I normally place them in to quotes. However, I couldn't find just the right one for 2015. So I am just gonna say it is to face more of my fears, and become more social! I am so super duper excited to see what this new year will bring, not just for me but for us. I know this year will be prosperous and filled with blessings in Jesus name.

Today is also marks the last day of Kwanzaa with Imani meaning Faith. "To believe with our hearts in our people, our parents, our teachers our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle".

 I look forward to sharing more of my journey along the way. Peace!

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